Three labourers were beaten to death by another group of labourers over a drunken brawl in Thindlu Gate in Sarjapur on Saturday.
The deceased have been identified as Radhesham, Anshu Kumar, and Deepu, aged between 19 to 22. The deceased were plumbers and working for at an under-construction residential complex.
They were playing Holi on the third floor of the site where they were staying. The police said the deceased were drunk and confronted by the accused, who had a heated argument over a trivial row. The argument took an ugly turn when the accused attacked them with liquor bottles, bricks, and other materials found lying around and escaped.
Passers by rushed to their help, hearing the noise, but it was too late. While two of them were killed on the spot, the third one was declared dead on arrival at the hospital.
The Sarjapura police have registered a case of murder and formed a special team to track down the accused who are on the run.
Published – March 15, 2025 11:46 pm IST