New Dark Matter Hypothesis Suggests Ionisation Clue in Milky Way’s Core

Unusual activity at the centre of the Milky Way has raised new questions about dark matter,…

Mysterious Planetary-Mass Objects May Form in Young Star System Clashes

Free-floating planetary-mass objects have been observed drifting through young star clusters, raising questions about their origins.…

Aditya-L1’s SUIT Telescope Captures First-Ever Solar Flare Kernel, Revealing Unseen Solar Activity

India’s space-based solar observatory, Aditya-L1, has recorded a never-before-seen solar flare phenomenon, marking a major step…

Alpha Centauri May Have Sent Millions of Asteroids into the Solar System

A significant number of asteroids originating from Alpha Centauri could be present in the solar system,…

X-ray Signal from Helix Nebula Suggests Planet Was Destroyed by White Dwarf

An unusual X-ray signal detected from the Helix Nebula for over four decades has now been…

New Research Reveals Mars’ Red Colour Linked to Ancient Water Presence

Mars has long been recognised for its striking red hue, a defining characteristic that has earned…